María L. Peralta

Lawyer Especialist in Public Procurement 

María holds a Law Degree from the University of Córdoba, a Merit Scholarship from Universität Innsbruck (Austria), and a Master in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Business Law & Compliance from ESAME Pharmaceutical Business School.

She has considerable experience in the Life Sciences sector, having held specialist legal advisory positions at D.Med Healthcare GmbH & Co., at the Joint Venture Sanofi Pasteur-Merck Sharp & Dohme, at the Public Procurement Consultancy Tesera de Hospitalidad and, subsequently, as a Lawyer at a large Hospital of the Madrid Health Service.

In her professional experience in the sector, she has advised on Public Procurement, Advertising and Promotion, Compliance, Commercial Contracts and Corporate Law.

Of particular interest is her dedication and expertise in Public Procurement, with the added value of having integrated legal teams linked to Healthcare Procurement in multinationals in the Life-Sciences sector, as well as in Healthcare Procurement Consultancies, and in a big Hospital of the Madrid Health Service.

María's experience as a member of the Public Procurement Department of a Madrid Health Service Hospital is of extraordinary value. For more than 3 years she has provided services in the drafting and review of Tender Specifications, advice to the Management team and Heads of Service in the drafting of specifications and all kinds of issues related to the procedure, processing, modification, execution, assignment and termination of public contracts, as well as participating in the Procurement Boards and in the processing of appeals against specifications and administrative resolutions.  As a result of this stage, María also has extensive knowledge of administrative issues related to public procurement proceedings (drafting of bids, accreditation of solvency and other requirements for participation, compliance with criteria, etc.), as well as in terms of rectification of errors, provision of evidences and issues related to infringement of public contracts.

María brings to our clients an extraordinary value due to her double perspective (Company-Hospital) experience, looking for business opportunities in the field of Public Procurement. María therefore bring enormous value to the different economic operators involved in the Life Sciences sector. 

Languages: Spanish and English

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